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Introducing our all new Crestron Horizon Virtual Keypads for VTPro-e. We have included 75 icons in both black and white for customization, and 6 different button configurations in 3 colors (Beige, White, & Black).

The bezel that sits behind the keypads is a separate image and can be remove if needed, allowing for more controls on a single page for a more compact layout in common areas that may have multiple keypads.

We turned off the "Scale Controls" option, so you can cut and paste them to different resolutions without the software automatically trying to scale them. Simply pick the best size to fit your touch panel layout.

Click on the image to download the demo file, and you can view our Crestron VTPro-e templates here: Spectre for Crestron VTPro

Introducing our all new Intelligent Surfaces virtual control and labeling add-on. The new ISR-2 & ISR-4 handlheld remotes can be ordered with an optional Advanced Base with three programmable hard buttons and Find My Remote functionality.

The buttons do not have a system for labeling, so we integrated the three virtual buttons into the bottom bars of the new ISr-2 & ISR-4 Aleera and Spectre templates. This makes it easy for your client to know which button is programmed for a specific scene such as Watch TV, Listen to Music, or whatever macros you assign.

We made it possible to access those same presets and Find My Remote functionalty from whole house in wall touch panels, tablets, and even mobile devices.

Click on the image to download the demo file

Introducing our all new pre-prgrammed MyQ add-on for RTI. We partnered with Intrinsic Dev to create a plug & play file that works with their MyQ garage door, gates, and light driver.

This was going to to be an exclusive download for The RTI Spectre UX templates, but we decided to make the file available to everyone, as it can also be used with the RTI Aleera template suite.

We have a garage door virtual fob, which can be duplicated for as many doors as you like, and there is also a virtual fob for MyQ gate controls & MyQ lighting.

This file also includes resolutions for the all new IST-5 (Dual Orientation) and IST-10 in wall touch panels. The larger resolutions have individual virtual fobs, and a ViewPort version for having all your MyQ options in a smaller footprint on compatible devices.

Click on the image to download the demo file

A few months ago, we released our portable Load & Go demo for Apple iPad (see below). By popular demand, we have created a second Spectre UX demo specifically for the T3X / KX3 / T4X / KX4. No processor is necessary after upload, so you can take handhelds with to show to prospective clients.

This demo was created using screenshots as the page background with transparent buttons and page flips to limit the amount of editing that can be done, but the actual templates feature 100% scalable graphics. Every item can be moved and resized in the Spectre UX template files.

Click on the image to download the demo file

Introducing our all new Load & Go demo for Apple iPad. We wanted to create something that would showcase some of the included pages for our Spectre templates so you could test drive the UI before purchasing, but you can also use this as a client demo to show how easy it can be to control multiple rooms, sources, and local comfort options with RTI.

The demo was created using screenshots as the page background with transparent buttons and page flips to limit the amount of editing that can be done, but the actual templates feature 100% scalable graphics. Every item can be moved and resized in the Spectre UX template files.

Click on the image to download the demo file

Hayward OmniLogic Icon Collection

We recently had a request to create a collection of icons used in the Hayward OmniLogic mobile app. The originals were only 40x40px, so we decided to re-master the entire collection and make them available to everyone.

Our Spectre UX templates come with a Pool & Spa control page, and these icons can be used to customize the UI for Hayward products, or you can use them however you like.

Click here to download the zip file


Pre-programmed RTI ID11 iPad File with Sky Pro UK Driver by Intrinsic(DEV)


Click here to visit the new driver specific download pages.

Pre-programmed RTI ID11 Sonos UI for AVA Remote

This project file contains a pre-programmed and ready to load Sonos UX for the AVA Home Remote. We used a Viewport on the controls page, so you can access Favorites, Playlists, and Options all on a single page.

There is also a page for grouping, and a Now Playing page with large cover art and basic controls.

Our full AVA template for RTI utilizes Viewports on many pages so you can have access to more controls without using page flips, making it much easier to navigate for the end user. You can view the full RTI AVA template at the link below. Click on the thumbnail to download the file.


RTiPanel Not Connected Please Wait Layer

This project file contains a layer for RTiPanel projects (iPhone 8, iPhone X, and iPad) which you can use to let your clients know the system is currently connecting. This layer will disappear as soon as connection to the processor is established. Instructions are included, click on the thumbnail to download the file.

Click here to visit the Spectre UX page & download link for this file

Weather Map URLs - January 2023

Our current list of Dynamic Weather URLs is now obsolete due to the Weather Channel switching hosting servers back to SWX. Click on the image to download our brand new, updated list as of January 4, 2023 - Now in Word format with dynamic clickable links for easy map previews.

Aleera for Pronto TSU-9600 / 9800

We have decided to include our Aleera Pronto template in the free downloads section as it now officially retired. The Pronto community is still going strong on sites like Remote Central and the AVS Forum. Click on the image to download the installer.

Integration Designer Apex / ID11 Exclusive - McIntosh VU Meter Imagelist

Our latest download includes a virtual McIntosh style VU meter you can use for feedback as an imagelist to display the current volume for anything that has 0-100% positive integer text feedback. Click on the thumbnail to download the zip file and follow the instructions.

Integration Designer Apex / ID11 Exclusive - 5th Gen AppleTV Virtual Remote

Our latest download includes a fully scalable virtual remote for the new AppleTV HD and 4K. The RTI command library (IR) contains extra functionality. We have included buttons and icons for these options, and the project file contains a virtual remote for all available Aleera resolutions. This virtual remote is already included with our Aleera and Spectre templates.

Integration Designer Apex / ID11 Exclusive - QuickLaunch icons for streaming apps

200+ auto scaling icons in .rtitemplate file format - Includes both dark button (shown) and white button variants.

Click on the image below to download the .zip file and follow the included instructions


New Download for the RTI U3 Remote

We are celebrating the release of the new RTI U3 water resistant indoor / outdoor remote with a free download that contains nearly 800 icons. These are 1 bit non-aliased single color, low resolution, optimized specifically for the U3's e-ink display.

We have received quite a few emails asking for graphic help on something that is not our original design. The Obsidian cursor controls included with RTIs Integration Designer Apex software and the sizing of the center button vs the outer arrows ring seemed to be causing some end user issues. Apparently the arrow keys are being pressed accidentally as the center button appears quite larger than the pressable bounding box for the button itself.

Questions? Contact us via email at contact@blackmancustoms.com

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